Ten-Arch Bridge

Dicle Bridge is one of the historical treasures of Diyarbakır and stands out with its architecture. Located 3 kilometers south of the city center, it spans the Tigris River and is known locally as the "Ten-Arch Bridge." Due to its location on the old Silvan road route, it is also referred to as the "Silvan Bridge" in some sources, serving as an important transportation link between the city's Bağıvar town and surrounding villages.

The history of the bridge varies among sources and scholars, with interpretations differing based on the inscriptions and opinions of researchers. An inscription on the bridge indicates that it was built by the architect Ubeyd, commissioned by Qadi Abu'l-Hasan Abdülvâhid, during the Marwanid period in 1065. However, some researchers believe this inscription to be a repair inscription and argue that the bridge was constructed earlier. Among these differing opinions, there are also those who suggest that the bridge dates back to a pre-Islamic period.

Architecturally, the Dicle Bridge is a multi-arched bridge with a flat deck. It spans 172 meters in length, while its width varies across its different arches. The height of the parapets and the characteristics of the corbels are defining features of the bridge's architecture. While the north facade of the bridge features selyarans with pyramidal domes, the south facade lacks a straight wall. The differences in arch dimensions and spans highlight the detailed architectural structure of the bridge.

Beyond being a transportation hub, the Dicle Bridge continues to reflect Diyarbakır's rich history and cultural heritage as a historical and cultural symbol.

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