Hüsrev Paşa Hanı - Deliller Hanı ( Hüsrev Pasha Han )

Hüsrev Pasha Han, also known as Deliller Han, is one of the historical buildings in Diyarbakır. Here is more information about the history, architecture, and current state of the han:


  • The han was constructed in 1527 by Divane Hüsrev Pasha, who was the second governor of Diyarbakır.
  • In a deed dated 1603, it was referred to as Mardin Kapusu Menzil Han.
  • The name "Deliller Hanı" comes from the guides who provided accommodation for pilgrims staying here.

Architectural Features:

  • The structure consists of an open courtyard and two enclosed sections.
  • Building materials include black-and-white cut stone on the courtyard facades, arches, and pillars, while rubble stone is used on the other three sides.
  • There are 16 shops with barrel-vaulted ceilings on both sides of the entrance.
  • The courtyard is surrounded by arcades and rooms.
  • Part of the han was formerly used as a stable for riding animals. Nowadays, it serves as a closed restaurant.

Restoration and Current State:

  • The han underwent repairs in the 1950s, including fixing body walls, courtyard facades, and interior rooms.
  • In 1982, it was restored by the General Directorate of Foundations and started to be used for touristic purposes.
  • Today, operating as the Caravanserai Hotel, the han continues to be a historical venue attracting tourists.

Hüsrev Pasha Han, reflecting the historical richness of Diyarbakır, stands as an important structure with its architectural features and past.

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