Gazi Köşkü (Gazi Mansion)

Gazi Mansion is a historical mansion located in the Sur district of Diyarbakır. Here is more information about Gazi Mansion:

History and Construction: Gazi Mansion was commissioned by Umayyad Caliph II. Abdülaziz, the grandson of the Islamic caliph Muawiya. The construction of the mansion dates back to the 7th century.

Architectural Features: The mansion exhibits impressive features of Ottoman and Islamic architecture. Built on a rectangular plan, the mansion consists of a basement, ground floor, and two upper floors. It is distinguished by its spacious courtyard, intricately crafted wooden details, ornate bay windows, and high walls.

Restoration: Over time, Gazi Mansion suffered deterioration and required restoration. Restoration efforts carried out by the Diyarbakır Governorship and the General Directorate of Foundations restored the mansion to its former glory.

Scenery: Situated at a high point in the Sur district, Gazi Mansion offers a panoramic view of the cityscape.

Conservation Status: Gazi Mansion is one of the protected historical landmarks. Following restoration, it has been opened to cultural tourism.

Gazi Mansion contributes to Diyarbakır's rich heritage with its historical and cultural significance. By opening its doors to visitors after restoration, it offers insights into the past and welcomes those interested in witnessing the city's history.

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